Friday, August 12, 2005

Can someone tell me WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?

I think I must be depressed. Something. Something is out of whack.

I have been so frustrated with hubby lately. Not that I don't think it's totally called for sometimes, but I get upset over the stupidest stuff. I've been moody and tired lately.

And before you go saying boobs aren't tender and i just took a pregnancy test today. Negative. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Even hubby asks, "What's wrong honey? What's going on?"

All I can do is tear up and stare out the window because I have no answer. I have no freakin idea what's going on.

I do know this though. My throat has been feeling a little off. And the past few days my stomach has hurt. It hurt so bad yesterday, right under my breasts these sharp pains like someone was sticking a small plastic drink knife in my stomach. Ugh!!! I actually went home early yesterday and slept from 2 - 6 p.m. Then fell asleep again around 10:30 p.m.

Hubby and I had a horrendous fight this morning...again. I don't know why, but it's always been like this. We are at our worst in the a.m. He even called to apologize a few minutes ago. I can remember us doing the same shit like 8 years ago. Me leaping out of cars at 7 in the morning because we'd gotten into a fight on the way to work.

So we'll get another car. Hopefully before the divorce.

1 comment:

Onyx said...

Wow, drugs and flings! You guys are the greatest!