Monday, August 22, 2005

Something's Got To Change

I have my Master's degree and a good job. Hubby is working a good job and should graduate soon. I should be happier.


So something has to change. I've been having weird dreams at night. I think last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. I had a dream that I accepted a job at Best Buy to be a researcher into people who are suspected to have committed fraud with their warranty. I ended up being a pro at it and I loved it.

Then my next dream was also a new job but the same boss. One of my first duties was to handle a conference call and I totally boffed it. I couldn't get anything right and ended up being half an hour late on the call. I was frantic and kept saying, "I'll get better!!"

Following Part Women Only (Men Read On At Own Risk!)

Plus weird stuff has been happening to me. I suppose if hippo can talk about her baby maker, i can talk about mine. The past two periods (this one included) have been odd. Very much lighter and, well, different. I don't want to gross you out. I think i need to call the gyn about it. I tried looking online but the only thing I found was an article on cervical cancer, but I think the symptoms were supposed to be period unrelated. Anyway, I need to find out.

I think a lot of this has to do with stress and weight gain. I am starting to freak out over how much I weigh. So one of the things that has got to change is definately my weight. I'm going to start taking walks at night and start going to Weight Watchers because this is just insane.

Anyhoo, not feeling all that sunshiny today. I'm sure things will change soon. As soon as I can get myself on a regular schedule I'm sure it will be better. Hubby graduates in four weeks, and then we should have a semi-normal life. I'm definately positive that things will be better then.


Oh by the way!! One of things I'm trying my hand at is cartooning. I haven't figured out how to make my characters look good yet, but I have created my first cartoon. Hubby loves it.

As soon as I figure out how to draw my character's bodies without it looking dorky, I'll post one up.


theBlueNibble said...

Dan so really a sweet person and sooo very concerned :D. well put the cartoon up. lets see it . u cant be worse than me

JR said...

You can post a cartoon w/ a dorked up body, tell your readers you were drawing me! :)