Friday, August 05, 2005

I Think I've Had It

So I was really irritable this morning. Hubby did warn me that if I didn't wake up soon we couldn't have breakfast out. I just kind of rolled my eyes at him because everytime he promises breakfast anyway he ends up saying there's no time and going on about how if I had been ready sooner.

So, I didn't even have a shower this morning. I'd had one last night, so this morning, I just washed my face, rinsed my hair, and put on some deodorant to save time. We get out the door and I mention that I would like to stop and get coffee possibly. He, yet again, says there is no time.

Now by this point I was pretty irritated. Every single fucking morning he promises me one thing and then ends up saying "there's no time". I'm sick of it, because then I end up with no freakin breakfast and it doesn't really matter to him becasue he has the car and can go anywhere and do anything after he drops me off.

I think my irritation has been enlarged also because last night was quite bad. Okay, so I ended up staying at home to meet the plumber, because once again he changes his mind about arrangements. I stay at home, go back to work, have to leave early because he got out of school, so I head over and then we get dinner. Then I take him back and he clearly says, "I will call you at 8 p.m." (You can see where this is going, no?)

I get home, trying to be a good wife, I clean the fuck outta the place, do his laundry, make cornbread, exercise, I'm thoroughly exhausted, but I can't rest because I have to pick up his ass at 10 p.m.

No call, obviously, so I head straight for school at around 9:30. I get over ther and wait, and wait, and wait. Finally I call him, thinking class ran over.

Him: "Oh hey"

Me: "Where are you?"

Him: "Err...umm...19th Ave and Butler"

Me: "WTF? Why didn't you call me?"

Him: "I said our roommate was going to give me a ride home."

Me: "No you didn't. You said you'd call at 8 p.m."

Him: "I did?" (A 37 year old man resorting to 5 year old behavior. Like he didn't freakin know.)

Me: "Uh, yeah." (I hate it when I say this, it makes me sound so freakin stupid.)

Him: "Well I'm sorry and I'll head over there right away."

Me: "Too freakin late. I'm already leaving. You have a ride, right?"

Anyway, I ended up turning around and waiting for him. Afterwards I thoroughly reamed him out then dropped him off at Applebee's. I went home and tried to sleep, but him and the roommate woke me up around Midnight. I couldn't get to sleep easily after that, so I decided to ahve a little nookie to wear me out.

So we start, he finishes, I get pissed, I go to the couch.

Therefore, I went to sleep angry, I wokeup angry, I went to work angry and hungry. Not a good day.

I've just about had it with the 10 hour workdays and then the whole wifey things at home which no one seems to appreciate. I'm almost to the point of saying "fuck it" and just doing what I want to do at night, which is drink and watch television.


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