Thursday, August 04, 2005

Let's Have Some Fun

In reading Euro-Trac's diary, I decided I'd like to have some fun and hopefully you will too.

How about a little survey??

Please answer the following questions:

You're former husband/wife/lover has passed a law stating you will have to live on a deserted island for the rest of your life (don't ask) and you can only take a specific amount of things. What would you take for the following?

1) Two movies
2) Two books
3) Two items of body care/cosmetics
4) Two music albums
5) One magazine subscription
6) Two types of food
7) One type of dessert
8) One type of pet
9) One type of alchololic beverage
10) One freebie item

My answers:

1) The Big Lebowski & Fight Club
2) The bible & Of Mice and Men
3) Suntan lotion & soap
4) Beck's Sea Change & The Beatles White Album
5) Time
6) Filet Mignon & chef salad
7) Symphony chocolate bars
8) Cat
9) Wild Vines wine
10) Vibrator

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