Wednesday, August 17, 2005

When You're Right, You're Right

I am obsessing a little.

(Big breath, sigh)


While walking through the Customer Service department I noticed a certificate on one of the reps desks. It read:

"Most Likely to Become Supervisor"

Now I don't know how long he's had that certificate, but man! what a slap in the face. What if he never becomes supervisor?? All he has is that damn certificate sitting on his desk taunting him.

It might as well say, "You're a really good employee but rather than give you more money or a promotion, here is a peice of paper that will haunt your ass and make you work like a dog to finally acheive supervisor or die trying."

Nice recognition.


blueberi said...

I don't have five friends to tag.

theBlueNibble said...

LMAO at g_samsa's comment. BTW onyx what happened to that other post.